Running a small business is no easy task. It's messy and thrilling and terrifying all at the same time. But no matter what, it's definitely a journey worth taking. As a mom of two littles, I know the daily struggles, and I'm here to walk this journey with you. If you're ready to feel empowered, encouraged and on fire for the things you truly love, and you're in the right place. I'm Rebecca Rice, a pizza loving hot chocolate drinking family photographer and educator and this is the business Journey podcast. Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of the business Journey podcast. I'm your host, Rebecca rice. And today we have a very special guest. I'm really excited for today's topic, because I feel like it's one that students asked me about a lot. And that is how to leverage social media to grow your business. Now you guys have heard me talk a little bit about social media. But I feel I felt like Who better than to bring on an expert to chat about social media and how we can use it. As you know, the busy moms business owners that we are and so I'm really excited to have Kendra swells on with us today. She's a business and marketing coach with girl means business. And I'm really excited to hear her perspective on all things social media. So Kendra, thank you so much for coming on with us and just being willing to share your knowledge and all things social media.
Thank you. I'm excited to be here. I love chatting about social media and how great it can be for your business. So I'm excited to get into it today.
Yeah, for sure. Well, I know that a lot of my listeners, like I mentioned to you a little bit earlier before we hit record are, you know, the busy moms where we myself, I have two littles of four year old and a three year old. And so things are really crazy. And you know, social media is one of those things that kind of goes to the backburner sometimes, just because the other things tend to take priority in the business. But that's not saying that there there isn't value in social media. And so I figured we could begin the conversation talking through like, why you feel like social media in today's age is necessary for business owners, and like at what capacity do we have to be on every single day showing up all the things like what does that look like? In like, a realistic sense for us? Yeah,
I mean, so social media is is huge right now, I mean, everybody, when you mentioned a business to somebody, one of the first things they do is they go look for you on social media, and it's gonna be different. And we can kind of get into the different platforms and how to choose that a little bit. But it's going to be different based on who your audience is where they're searching for you at. So social media serves nowadays, as kind of this social proof. It's almost like, if you're not on social media, it makes people kind of questioned the validity of your business a little bit. And so where it used to be like, if you didn't have a website, like then that didn't seem like you were a valid business. Now, it's you have to have social media. And as far as like how often or you know what it looks like, as far as consuming the time you spend in your business. There are a lot of people out there who will say things like post every single day, and you have to be in you have to be active all the time. And in your stories all the time. And I you know, I'm a busy mom, too. I've got two kids, nine and five. And I've run two businesses, because I've got my coaching business, and I have my photography business. So I'm doing all the things and it's a lot. And so if someone told me, I have to post consistently every single day and be on there, 24/7 like it would burn me out so fast. So my philosophy on it is, as long as you are consistently showing up, and consistently whatever that looks like for you. So for some people, that might mean okay, I can do Monday, Wednesday, Friday, because I can schedule out content to go out on you know, for me, I can do it ahead of time. That's great. Some people might say like, Well, for me, it looks like maybe twice a week or even just once a week, like you have to figure out what is consistent for you that is sustainable, so that you can keep up with it and then kind of build up from there. Yeah,
I love that you use the word sustainable, because that is such a huge part I feel about social media that so many times we can get overwhelmed thinking like you have to do all the things and be in all the places and it's just it's not sustainable. And then we're like, well, we may as well not even start because I can't keep up with those standards. And so it's all about like you said, finding the things that work for you and work for your lifestyle. I I've heard it said that social media is like the handshake where somebody finds us somewhere but they really kind of get to know us through social media. And I agree what you said that if somebody doesn't have a social media that It's like, I'm not really sure about this person like, I recently was looking for a we just moved to the Nashville area. So we're looking for pediatricians, we're looking for dentists, we're looking for, you know, all these things, daycares, whatever. And in the search for all the things, I go to social media, right? I, of course, fine. Find their website. But I want to know, what is the day to day look like? And so, you know, for the school that Maddie just started, I want to know, what do their activities look like? Do they update parents, you know, and that's, that happens on social media. And thankfully, I was able to find those things. But if I wasn't, you know, it makes me a little bit more, you know, skeptical. I know for sure, as a photographer, if I'm looking for a photographer, I'll sure I'll go to their website, but you better believe I'm going to go to their social media, because that's where the work is, right. And as photographers, our job is to keep it updated. Even like you said, even if it's once a week, it's still being updated with recent work so that people can see that you're actually taking clients that you're actually working, because if you don't update it for six months, and somebody comes and sees that your last post was six months ago, I'd probably be like, I don't know, if I want to work with this person, because they haven't worked for six months they've been shot anybody, even if that's not the case, and so just keeping it updated little by little, I feel like makes a big difference just for the people that are coming across you for the first time.
Well, I think about like, the website piece, like, I know, for me, personally, with my photography website, like, I don't go in there and update the images, right on a regular basis. You know, I mean, I maybe a couple times a year I go in, and I add in new things. But a lot of times what I show on my website is kind of my, like, best of the best, you know, it is, here's my top images from my favorite sessions, it's gonna be kind of a concise portfolio. But when you go to my Instagram account, that is, like you said, it's the most recent stuff, it's gonna be the behind the scenes, it's gonna be more about who I am as a photographer, and as a business owner, it's gonna be more about you know, here are the the outtakes sometimes, or here's like a group of photos from this one session that I really loved. And it is more of like a updated portfolio, especially for photographers, because it is such a visual brands to the visual business that you need to be showing off your work. And social media is a great way to do it. And I will say as far as platforms go, if you are a photographer, and you're wanting to show off your work and create like a little portfolio of work, Instagram is the place to be. Facebook is fine. I know a lot of photographers use Facebook, they might use Facebook groups they might do posting on their Facebook feeds. But if you want to create a portfolio of your work that your audience can go and find, Instagram is the way to do that, because people can go to your feed and it is scrolling through a portfolio of your work is different than you know, obviously Twitter or LinkedIn or Facebook, it just visually has more of an appeal. And so, um, you know, think of it in that regard. It's not just about, okay, I'm posting to post I'm posting to create this gallery of images, this portfolio that people can find, and go through to see what my work really looks like.
Yeah, that's so good. So while we're talking about the platform, do we need to be on all the places at all the time? Or would you suggest like narrowing in like, how do we choose what social media platforms we should be on?
So this is a great question. And I will say for the longest time, I tried to be everywhere, and it was exhausting. And you just like you said the sustainability piece, it's not feasible. And for me, I have found that Facebook and Instagram are kind of my two go to platforms, primarily Instagram. Um, I you know, I see some photographers on Tik Tok and they have success. But I the question I always ask is track your return on investment. And when I say return on investment, I don't just mean like monetary, I mean, like your time investment. I have a photographer friend that she does senior photos and she was spending all of this time creating these reels or these tick tock videos to put on tick tock, and they were great. They were so well done. But I asked her I was like, how many of your clients actually found you from tick tock? And she was like, well, a lot of times they don't even know that I'm on Tik Tok until I have them doing a video for me for during their session. And my response to that was okay, then maybe you need to invest that time somewhere else, because or spend that time creating videos to put on your Instagram feed or to put into your website or to put on Facebook because if they are not finding you on that platform, you're wasting your time that you could be that's valuable time that you could be spent somewhere else. So what I started doing is. So I use honey book for my client management system. And when someone would come and inquire with me the one of the first questions I asked on my intake form is how did you hear about me? And I started really looking at the data of how are people finding me? Is it mostly by word of mouth? Is it mostly through Google searches? Or is it through social media, and I found that only about 5% of my audience was really finding me on social media. And if they were, it was through Instagram. And so just taking the time to kind of do that research and figure out, Where is my audience coming from? That helped me realize, okay, I need to spend more time on Instagram. And, like, I can post Instagram and have it posted on Facebook at the same time and kind of do double duty. So figuring out one is, where is your audience coming from? Like, where are they? How are they finding you, and then put all of your time and energy into that. And then two is no, like, again, if you're shooting families, most the time you're dealing with the mom, and most moms are gonna be on Instagram. Most moms are spending their they'll have a Facebook page, but they're spending their time on Instagram. And so knowing where your audience is spending their time, that helps you narrow on the platform, I honestly, as far as like, photography goes, unless you're doing like corporate headshots, LinkedIn is probably not going to be your most ideal place, Twitter's probably not going to be the best place because you're not, you know, sharing, grabby sharing images, your visual, you want a visual platform, again, tick tock, and that, you know, that's, it's fine. But if you are going to be spending all that time creating content, make sure it's worthwhile. And then I know a lot of people, you know, kind of lumped Pinterest in with their social platforms. Pinterest is great for any photographers. But again, it takes a lot of time and effort to do it and do it well. And so just make sure if you're going to include that, in your strategy, that you are getting a return on that time investment.
Yeah, that's so good. I know, for a season, we were looking at the same thing of like, where our clients coming from, and for some reason, and we we had on our client questionnaire that we send over clients before their session, we have a place for them to link their Facebook page link their Instagram for us to tag them. And so many of my clients didn't have Instagram that I don't know why they were like the random. Like the, the random outliers of humans that didn't have Instagram, and maybe it was the where they were located. Maybe it was their age, I don't know, it was very random. But a lot of my like, clients that I was working with, at the time were had some kind of full time job. And they were like, rocking it. They were like a VP or something in the company. So maybe they just didn't have time for Instagram, I don't know. So we started putting a lot of our effort into Facebook instead, because that's where our clients were finding us. But for my associate team that because I have an entire separate brand that is just for associate photographers, for my associate team, all their clients are finding them on mostly on Instagram, or through Facebook ads. And so it's been really interesting to see the difference in just clients and where they're hanging out. And I think I love that you tracked where people are finding you because data doesn't lie. You could think all you want that your people are on tick tock but if you sit down and like really look at numbers, are they they're not to say that tick tock can't but clients because I have friends that book clients through tick tock amazingly, their wedding photographers, so that may be part of the difference is that brides are on tick tock and moms aren't necessarily because moms are who books for us. So I know I don't put a lot of time into tic TOCs. For that reason. For them. That's where their clients are hanging out. And so I love that you said like, make sure that the return on your investment is there. Because if you're going to be spending your time there, make sure like it's worth your while.
Yeah, well, and I came from like a teaching background because I was a teacher for a long time. And so data is always something that I I enjoy looking at because like you said that doesn't lie. And so if you can look and see like, don't be afraid to ask the question, How did you find me? And even when you're in a session, like have the content like hey, you know, what, what social media platforms do you use? Or, you know, are you on Instagram? Or do you follow me on Instagram and like, especially if you're taking like behind the scenes, like photos and videos, it kind of comes up naturally. And once you get used to having those conversations with your clients, you'll start to notice trends. And then you can kind of you know, use that to go forward with what you with your marketing strategies.
So good. So if you could give us a couple tips on utilizing our social media wisely and really leveraging it well, for the time that we're putting in what would you say are like the biggest things to keep in mind, as you know, family photographers wanting to book clients?
Yeah, so I would say number one, is get very clear on your intention of what you expect to get out of it. Social media, I think this is one of the biggest mistakes I see a lot of people making is that they go into social media thinking, Okay, I'm going to go in, I'm going to post it, I'm offering, you know, mini sessions at this date, and I'm gonna have all these people be interested in booking me and then they're disappointed when that doesn't happen. And so, go in with the idea of, okay, I'm in this to build awareness around my brand. I'm in this to maybe funnel people back to like an email list, or I'm, or I'm in this to just build connections with people. I think that again, the the biggest mistake is people go into it expecting like, every time I post, I'm gonna try to get a sale, I'm gonna try to book somebody. And that's just not the reality of people using social media. They're not going on to Instagram thinking I want to book a photographer today, they're going on there to think like, How can I be entertained, inspired or educated? Like, those are the three things and so if you can create content that entertains inspires and educates, they're gonna more likely follow your account. And then you are going to stay front of mind, that is the key with with Instagram or Facebook or whatever you're using, it's staying front of mind. So that when they are ready to book a photographer, you are the one that comes to their mind first, um, you know, it's, I hear a lot of photographers saying, like, Oh, she's so saturated, there's so many people who do what I do in my area. Well, yeah, that's everywhere. And it's every industry, no matter what you're doing, everything feels saturated, especially because social media has taken this huge world and shrunk it down into this one app. And so now we're no longer just competing with the people around us. We're competing with this global, you know, amount on social media. So if you can find a way to stand out and stay front of mind, and the best way to do that, like I said, is to use social media as a way to entertain your audience. So entertain for photographers would look like, mostly just sharing like, behind the scenes, what goes on in your sessions, any like funny outtakes, especially with family photographers, you're always gonna have like, crying kids, kids throwing fits silly, goofy photos, like share those keep people entertained. It also helps moms who are looking at that account going, Oh, my gosh, I feel so much better. Because if you're just posting these like, perfect family photos, then every mom in America is gonna look at it and go, like, Oh, my family doesn't look like that. So keep moving. But if you're posting the ones that they can laugh out and relate to, and be like, Oh, my gosh, that is exactly what my kid would do in that session. I'm so glad to know I'm not alone, they're going to hit that follow button, because they want to see more. So that's entertain Inspire. That is things like helping mom feel better about about being in photos, it's about kind of touching, like posting out content doesn't even have to be a photo all the time, it can be inspiring, like a quote that you love, or something you share if somebody else's, but a lot of times, especially with family photography, mom is the one who is the most self conscious. So posting things that are going to help her feel good about herself is going to help get people wanting to follow along with you and wanting to keep coming back. And then the third is educate. So this is another mistake I see a lot of photographers making is they just we'll post out their beautiful photos from a session with like a cute caption or a quote, but there's no content. And that doesn't keep people coming back. They can only look at your beautiful photos for so long before they're going to be like, okay, seen it, done it like I'm over it. But if you are giving them something of value, so if you are teaching them about something if you are sharing something that they can take and run with. So an example I always give is, there's a local family photographer here I live in the Dallas area. And she is known on Instagram, not as a photographer. She's a photographer, and she has that but she's known for sharing out like really fun things to do around town with your kids. And so it'll be like there's a, a peach festival going on in this little bitty town outside of Dallas. And they always have like homemade peach ice cream and peach tea and you can go and like, there's all these fun activities. It's completely free for your kids. I would never have known about that. But she's sharing it and I follow her just for that purpose. But now I'm also like she's a photographer, she takes these really cute photos of of families and her own kids. And so finding a way to offer value beyond just I offer great photos, family photos, is going to be what keeps people coming back. So go in with an intention of what do you expect to get out of this and have it be a realistic intention, and then make sure you are giving people a reason to want to keep following you and stick around for more so that you can stay front of mind.
So I love how you talked about specifically like the cutesy captions that people put on their photos because that does Nothing to move their business forward. And that's been something that we've been really doubling down on specifically with my associate team and their brand, for ways to provide value to our families through those captions, because it's like, it's really valuable real estate. If you think about it, what words are you going to be putting with the images that you know you're sharing? And are people going to read? It depends on what you include in there. And so we've been taking the opportunity to teach them about, you know, how to prepare for their session, or how to get their kids to cooperate. We think through like, frequently asked questions people ask us, can we bring our dogs to this session? So you know, we could have Instagram posts about, you know, tips for getting, you know, for family photos with your dog? Or yes, you can bring your dog to the photo, here's why you should or whatever, that those are all opportunities to be able to answer those questions that people ask all the time, so that it's helping that they may not be ready to book the session right then. But what you're doing is, like you were saying earlier, you're staying top of mind, you're answering those questions and like getting rid of the the reasons why they don't or can't get photos done. And they're more likely to book with you when you're ready. And so I just I think there's so much value that we could offer that family photographers just don't take advantage of as often as we could. And what a cool idea of your your friend telling like, where fun things are around, like, that's so cool.
Well, cuz she, I mean, she knows her audience, I think that's key to is know your audience. And again, if you're a family photographer, you're not trying to appeal to the dad of the kids, you're appealing to the mom, she's the one who is going to be booking the session. She's the one who's doing the research. And the other thing I'll say, too, about the you brought up the good play the frequently asked questions, I get people asking me a lot of what am I post because I don't know what to say. So that's why I just throw a cute caption up there. And yeah, go back to your frequently asked questions. What are people asking you questions about, um, you know, share those or think about like, what are you like, make a list of what are the pain points that your audience has? So like, again, with moms, okay, well, they're going to be worried about how they look in the photos, they're gonna be worried about their kids behaving in the photos, they're going to be worried about, is the weather gonna cooperate? What do we do if it doesn't like make a list of all these things so that you have kind of a go to thing. And then my other point on that is, I see a lot of people will post it. And they'll like the dog example. So they'll, like have a photoshoot with someone brought their family dog, they'll post a photo, they'll use that little caption of like, can we bring dogs to our session? And then you answer that question in the caption, and then they never post about it again, they're like, why I already did that? Well, here's the thing, only three to 5% of your audience is seeing your posts when you posted originally, with Instagram and Facebook, especially like things get moved down the the feed so quickly, that someone might not see that. And so a lot of times, I think the fear that a lot of people have with social media as they're like, Well, I don't want to be annoying. I don't want to be posting the same thing over and over again, and people get annoyed with it. But guys, they didn't see it the first time or if they did, they have had so many other things happen between the time you posted it and the time you posted it again, they've completely forgotten, like nobody and I, I mean this in the kindest way possible. Nobody is that concerned with your business right now. Like they're not stalking your feed to see, well, when was the last time she talked about bringing dogs to a session. So you can have this content on a recycle. You can have another photo from that same session or a different session where you had a dog, and repost the exact same caption, you know, three or four weeks later, and it's gonna seem like brand new information. So don't feel like you have to constantly reinvent the wheel of content, have your go to lists, and just find ways to reuse that same thing over and over again.
Yeah, and some of the stuff that we've been doing too, is we will repurpose whatever we put on our blog. So you know, in our blog, we post new sessions. We do like location spotlights. So we'll like feature certain locations that we like because our our blog, we use it to be able to like send links whenever people are asking questions. So that's where we put a lot of our FAQs also. But then, you know, when it will, we'll talk about those frequently asked questions. And that's one of our like, content pillars. And so whatever we post on our blog, we then share it on our social media. One day, we'll do a feed post one day, we'll do a story about it and like space it out. And that's a lot of content to be able to repurpose that. I think people forget to like reuse content. And either they forget or like fear of like you said being annoying, but people just aren't seeing it.
So give another quick like Yeah, I think a really cool like, tip that I love to share is so I know a lot of people you mentioned the blog, so I'm someone who like I'm terrible at blogging. I just I'm right the idea of writing a blog just is not for me, but I can write a social media caption and I can keep it concise and like get my point across. So one of the things that is really cool tip you can do, because you just mentioned like you send out a blog link, as like if someone asked a question like, oh, here, go check out this blog. Okay, so for someone listening who was the same as man is like a blogging just makes me want to like, run away and hide. Here's what you do create content on your social media, I actually use Instagram as an example. So create content. So let's say the question again, was about the dog, you know, can we bring a dog? If we do with what do we do with the dog? If we're not, you know, when we're not taking pictures with it? Do we need to have it? Does it vary by location? Like all the different questions people can ask about dogs? So create these different posts on social on Instagram? Each one's answering a different question about bringing dogs to sessions, then I want you to create a hashtag specific for your business. And that question, so, for example, my photography business is Paisley Lane photography. So my hashtag might be p LP dogs, or PLP dog question, nobody else is gonna be using that hashtag, probably most likely. And that way, what I can do is now I can send my audit my client a link to that Instagram hashtag. And it pulls up my Instagram feed with only the posts that match that hashtag. So it's like a curated content library on Instagram that you can send them a link to, and now they're going to follow you on Instagram, they're going to see, so if you're someone who doesn't like to blog, or maybe you've kind of let blogging die off, but your social media is like onpoint, go, you can go back and add those hashtags to all your old content. And you can create these little hashtag content libraries within Instagram. And I think you can do it on pretty much on Facebook as well. And now you have this really cool place where you can send people and now they're going to have access to your social media.
So I love the idea of the fact that you can literally just send somebody like, hey, go check out hashtag blah, blah, blah, and it'll answer all your questions. And how cool is that? Like, it even makes me think of like locations when people are like, can you show me photos? I Adriatica. Yeah, cuz I still live in Dallas. So I know all all the places. So then you can just say, yeah, go search, you know, what was your brand thing again? Like PLP PLP PLP? Adriatica? Yeah, that way, they can see photos you shot at Adriatica. And it's super simple to find, like, that's, I we're gonna we're gonna steal that we're using that because that is so good.
Yeah. And then like I said, like, if you're he listens, you're like, oh, that's genius. You can go back and add that hashtag to all your old content. So don't feel like you have to like, redo all your add new stuff, like, go back and add that hashtag to ones you already have in your feed. Now, right?
Oh, my gosh, I'm literally like, My mind is blown. I think we're gonna do it. Right? Do it for all the things because we get asked so many times where people are wanting to see specific locations, or, you know, whatever it is, photos with dogs, senior photos, they want like really specific things that that's so easy. Oh, my gosh, I'm literally going to like, get on slack with my team. As soon as we hang up.
Tell them. Yeah, and you have to the key with that, though, is you kind of have to make sure that nobody else is obviously right hashtags. Otherwise, they'll get flooded with other stuff. And then just kind of make it unique enough that hopefully other people won't try to use it themselves. Because that's the thing is like, sometimes you'll find one or you'll start using one. And then somebody else comes along and they start using it for their whatever. That's why you kind of want to make it as deep as possible, right? So that it doesn't get taken over by somebody else. And you have like random stuff added into that hashtag content.
Yeah, I guess you have to, like, go through it every once in a while just to make sure.
Yeah, cuz you never know. I mean, it's just the internet and social media, you don't want somebody looking it up and have like something on there that is totally unrelated to what you do.
Right? Cool. Well, that I mean, that's all super, super helpful. And I feel like it would give our listeners some ideas of things that they can implement now and hopefully alleviate some of the stressors that come with, with social media. And just like, I feel like the whole message is like just just do it. Even if it's only a little bit, then do the little bit, whatever you can handle. And like take it one step at a time because it's all about just being there. Even if you're not there every single day. I'm not on my social media posting every single day and my scrolling more than I should probably and that's something that yes, searching, right. That's something I'm trying to get better at to have like just stepping out like, I guess utilizing my social media in a way that markets my business, but then I can step away and not feel like I have to be attached at all times. Because I think that was something that was A hurdle for me to get over was I felt like I had to be there on the platform all the time, you know, reading everybody's stuff. And it's like, throughout is I'm not because of the algorithms, I'm not going to miss anything important. When I do log in, if something, you know, groundbreaking happened, my friend had babies, I'm going to be able to see it at the top of my feet, and I'm not going to miss it. So being able to know that you can do your post, and then it's okay to step away. And it'll like do its thing.
Yeah, yep, exactly. And I will say, I mean, I do think that though, there is some merit to being engaging on social media as well, like, yeah, you want to make sure that there you find a balance. And again, it's all about balance that works for you. But a lot of times, what I will do is I'll go in, and I will post, and once I've posted, I'll go and kind of engage with a couple other people like I'll maybe spend a lot of times it's like, when I'm sitting in the car line waiting for my kids at school, or if I am like, in a doctor's office in the, you know, waiting room or whatever, like, I'll get on my phone. And for 10 or 15 minutes, I will just go and I will engage with people. And when I say engage with people, what that means is I'm not just scrolling and liking, I am going into like, hashtags like I might search for, like a hashtag local here might be even like a local magazine, or like, we have one that's called like the Dallas girl gang. And so there's a lot of moms in there. So I'll go to that hashtag, I will see who is it has been posting under that hashtag, and I'll go engage with their content, they're gonna see that I've liked or commented on their content, they're gonna be like, Oh, who is this person, and they'll gonna go check out what you know, my page. And so that's a great way to like you. It's called Social Media for a reason. Like, they want you to be engaging and be social. So if you're just posting and ghosting, if you're just posting and then walking away for the next 24 hours, you're going to get frustrated, because you're not going to have the engagement that you want. So you have to give a little bit of engagement to get a little bit of engagement. But again, it doesn't have to be hours of your day. It can be 10 or 15 minutes when you have like a little window of time that fits into your daily schedule.
Yeah. Oh, I love that. And just it's all about balance have have the balance that works for you. And, you know, make sure that you feed the beast, right, the beast, the algorithms, they, they love the attention that they need, but it doesn't have to be all day, which is great. Awesome. Well Kendra, this was super, super helpful. And I'm just really excited for it to go out to all our listeners, because I know that they're gonna get some really helpful things from here. Before we sign off, can you let everybody know where they can find you? If they want to, like learn more? All all the things?
Yeah, so you can find me on my website is girl means business calm. Same thing with Instagram. It's girl means business. I do have a podcast girl means business. You're finding a theme here. Girl means business. But yeah, go Come follow me on Instagram. I've got in my Lincoln bio, got a couple of resources there. I have like a email marketing starter kit I have if you're wanting to get into Instagram reels. If you're on Instagram and you maybe want to get dive into it, I do have a free real tutorial you can download. So lots of great resource. I'm sharing tons and tons of tips over there. And so yeah, just come say hi. And I love working with photographers, obviously, you know, my photography business I have as well. So I love helping photographers grow their business. So feel free to come and tell me you heard me here on the podcast and let's Let's check
some more. Awesome. Well, thank you so much. And yeah, guys, definitely take advantage of all of her resources. We're gonna link them in the show notes for you so that you can have easy access and I know that you're just gonna love it. So, Kendra, thank you again for coming on and we just really appreciate you giving your time. Thank you. Bye

57. Leveraging Socials to Grow Your Biz with Kendra Swalls

Episode Transcript